0284945796 [email protected]

LBMG Law Firm

LBMG Law Firm provides qualified and personalized assistance, responding quickly to the proposed needs, thanks to a dynamic and professional organization.
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The Law Firm

The Law Firm, founded by professional lawyers specialized in different legal areas, pays close attention to the personal aspect in managing the client-professional relationship.

This approach guarantees and strengthens both clarity and confidentiality, which allow immediacy in the implementation of services, in a climate of personal and professional trust.

To meet the needs of customers, the LBMG Law Firm also offers an online and / or telephone legal consultancy system, making it an immediately usable resource.

Finally, the Firm boasts a widespread network of contacts and collaborations with Professional Firms located in the main Italian and European cities to guarantee the client comprehensive advice.

Lawyer Davide Liverani

Degree in Law awarded at the University of Milan – Bicocca on 2 July 2015.
Achieved Professional Diploma of Condominium Administrator on 19 June 2016. Achieved the Business Law degree on 22 September 2018.
Admitted to the Bar of the Milan Bar since 3 October 2019.

Dora Maria Ballabio


Diploma di Laurea in Giurisprudenza a pieni voti presso l’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano in data 09.01.2015.
Conseguito Diploma Professionale di Amministratore di Condominio in data 15.01.2019.
Iscritta all’Albo degli Avvocati dell’Ordine degli Avvocati di Milano dal 18.01.2018.
Iscritta nelle liste del patrocinio a spese dello Stato.

Diritto immobiliare - Studio Legale LBMG Milano

Real Estate Law

We provide advice and assistance in the field of Real Estate Law, with particular attention to the issues of buying and selling and leasing both real estate for residential and commercial use.

recupero crediti

Credit Recovery

We offer our professional service for Credit Recovery, with particular attention to amortization of costs for the Customer.

Materia Contrattuale - Studio Legale LBMG Milano

Contractual Matter

We offer our customers personalized advice and out-of-court assistance in contractual matters in order to offer the best possible legal instrument to oversee and protect the rights of the customer.

Diritto penale - Studio Legale LBMG Milano

Criminal Law

The Firm provides out-of-court assistance on aspects of entrepreneurial activity involving profiles of criminal relevance, as well as the defense of its clients in criminal proceedings.

Diritto di famiglia e dei minori  - Studio Legale LBMG Milano

Family and Minor Law

We provide advice, assistance and representation for all matters relating to the Law of the Family and Minors, placing the psychophysical interests of minors and the good balance of the family in the first place.

Diritto dell proprietà intellettuale - Studio Legale LBMG Milano

Intellectual Property Law

We provide advice and assistance in the field of Intellectual Property Law, paying particular attention to the study and profiling of the best strategy for protecting the “ideas” of customers as well as company badges and / or products.

Diritto assicurativo - Studio Legale LBMG Milano

Insurance Law

We offer our professional activity in the field of Insurance Law, addressing both insurance companies and individuals, always protecting the interest of the customer.

Diritto condominiale  - Studio Legale LBMG Milano

Condominium Law

We regularly deal with Condominium Law, assisting condominium administrators and individual condominiums in condominium relationships

Diritto dell'immigrazione - Studio Legale LBMG Milano

Immigration Law

We provide assistance and advice, both in and out of court, in matters of Immigration Law.

Diritto del Lavoro, Sindacale e Previdenziale - Studio Legale LBMG Milano

Labor, Trade Union and Social Security Law

We offer our assistance and consultancy in the judicial and extrajudicial fields in the field of Labor Law, Trade Union and Social Security (including supplementary pension), with reference to all the main sectors productive.

GDPR e Privacy - Studio Legale LBMG Milano

GDPR e Privacy

We provide advice and assistance on the personal data protection obligations pursuant to the GDPR (EU Reg. 679/2016) and the Privacy Code in the main fields of application, including work, professional, medical, condominium and commercial.

Mediazione, Arbitrato, Negoziazione Assistita ed ADR - Studio Legale LBMG Milano

Mediation, Arbitration, Assisted Negotiation and ADR

We provide advice on Alternative Dispute Resolution, as well as assistance in the experimentation of Assisted Negotiation procedures, civil (mandatory and not mandatory) and commercial mediation and in internal or international arbitration procedures.

Diritto Fallimentare, Ristrutturazione del Debito e Procedure Concorsuali - Studio Legale LBMG Milano

Bankruptcy Law, Debt Restructuring and Bankruptcy Procedures

We provide legal advice and assistance in matters of bankruptcy law, composition with creditors, as well as in the procedures for resolving the over-indebtedness crisis and the company.

Diritto Commerciale e Societario - Studio Legale LBMG Milano

Commercial and Corporate Law

The firm is able to provide a varied type of assistance and consultancy services in the field of Commercial and Corporate Law, both at the time of incorporation and during all phases of ordinary and extraordinary management of the legal entities.

Diritto dei Consumatori - Studio Legale LBMG Milano

Consumer Law

The firm is able to provide legal assistance and judicial and extrajudicial advice on the protection of Consumer Rights and responsibility of the producer, with particular reference to non-fulfillment and disservices by commercial entities and / or professionals, the safety and quality of food products, the environment, counterfeiting of goods, unjustly imposed fines, the protection of health and privacy, al
compensation for damage from “ruined vacation”.

Inheritance successions

The Law Firm provides consultancy on inheritance successions, providing assistance and legal representation in matters of successions, both testamentary and legitimate (i.e. in the absence of a will)

Medical malpractice

The Law Firm provides legal advice on medical malpractice to understand the rights and possible legal actions in the event of medical errors, negligence or healthcare disservices.

Road Traffic Law

We provide our professional activity in the field of Road Traffic Law, offering a complete overview of the regulations, responsibilities and rights that regulate vehicular and pedestrian traffic. We assist the client with the application of administrative and criminal sanctions, as well as proceedings relating to accidents, driving licenses and appeals against fines.

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Personalized Management


The LBMG Law Firm has a highly efficient and dynamic organizational structure capable of providing adequate protection to its clients at 360 degrees by providing cross-cutting advice in every area of ​​law, also making use of the contribution of highly specialized professionals in every subject.

The LBMG Law Firm defends and assists its clients through personal and direct contact, as it deems it essential, in order to achieve the best result, to have a direct relationship with them based on mutual trust, also in consideration of the delicate issues dealt with.

The LBMG Law Firm pays particular attention to constant professional updating and continuous deepening of the legal study. This is in order to always provide an updated and high-level defense in the issues addressed from time to time.

Why choose the LBMG Law Firm
esperienza 1


The LBMG Law Firm Team is able to provide a defense shaped on the needs of its clients, whether they are individuals or legal entities, guaranteeing the highest quality and evaluation standards.
riservatezza 1

The LBMG Law Firm makes use of every suitable measure to provide maximum privacy and confidentiality to sensitive data, as well as to information processed in respect of its clients.



The professionals of the LBMG Law Firm place the utmost trust in their clients and respect and honor the professional dignity of the category.


The proposals of the LBMG Law Firm are conceived and designed ad hoc according to the needs of the clients and are aimed at guaranteeing the best possible result in the most efficient way and with speed.


    Read our privacy policy for more information on how we process your personal data.