0284945796 [email protected]
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Mediation, arbitration, assisted negotiation and ADR

“The great lawyer is the one useful to the judges to help them decide in accordance with justice, useful to the client to help him assert his reasons”

Piero Calamandrei

We provide consultancy in the field of Alternative Dispute Resolution, as well as assistance in the experiment of assisted negotiation procedures, civil (mandatory and non-mandatory) and commercial mediation and in internal or international arbitration procedures.

The Firm offers its Clients consultancy and assistance in the evaluation and experimentation of alternative procedures for settling the dispute, including by way of example but not limited to:

  • assistance and defense in non-mandatory and mandatory mediation procedures (ed. in matters of condominium, real rights, division, hereditary successions, family agreements, leases, loan, rental of companies, compensation for damage deriving from medical and health liability and from defamation in the press, insurance, banking and financial contracts);

  • assistance and defense in assisted negotiation procedures between the parties and their respective lawyers (mandatory note in the case of requests for payment of sums lower than Euro 50,000.00, as well as in matters of compensation for damage caused by the circulation of vehicles and boats); Legal assistance in negotiation proceedings assisted by lawyers for consensual solutions of legal separation, termination of civil effects or dissolution of marriage, modification of the conditions of separation or divorce

  • assistance and defense in arbitration procedures and other A.D.R. (Alternative Dispute Resolution), in order to reach an amicable solution to the dispute arising between the parties

  • legal assistance and defense in proceedings before the Financial Banking Arbitrator (A.B.F.), in proceedings before the Communications Regulatory Authority (AGCOM) for the resolution of disputes in the electronic communications sector, as well as in proceedings before AGCOM on the subject of copyright according to the Regulation on the protection of copyright on electronic communications networks and implementation procedures pursuant to Legislative Decree 9 April 2003, n. 70


Telephone: +39 02 84945796
Mail: [email protected]