“The great lawyer is the one useful to the judges to help them decide in accordance with justice, useful to the client to help him assert his reasons”
Piero Calamandrei
We provide assistance and consultancy in the judicial and extrajudicial field in the field of labour, trade union and social security law (including supplementary social security), with reference to all the main production sectors.
These are by way of example and not exhaustive:
establishment and management of the employment relationship both on the employer’s side and on the employee’s side
legal protection for the worker in cases of accident at work and occupational disease
evaluation and assistance to the company in signing contracts
evaluation and application of all necessary measures following internal company reorganisations, infringements
disciplinary measures, contraction of activities and turnover, reduction of management costs, elimination of jobs, accidents at work and
occupational diseases
power of control of the employer over the work tools used by the workers
consultancy and preventive risk assessment arising from current and potential disputes
in court, the firm manages the dispute in all its phases relating to disputes regarding the management of the relationship
of work (in particular: individual and collective dismissals, claims of higher qualifications, requests for compensation