GDPR and Privacy
“The great lawyer is the one useful to the judges to help them decide in accordance with justice, useful to the client to help him assert his reasons”
Piero Calamandrei
We provide consultancy and assistance regarding personal data protection obligations pursuant to the GDPR (EU Reg. 679/2016) and the Privacy Code in the main fields of application, including work, professional, medical, condominium and commercial.
The Law Firm offers assistance to its Clients for every type of problem related to data protection and privacy, in the public and private sector, of which are by way of example only and are not exhaustive.:
consultancy and evaluation of the process of adaptation to the GDPR undertaken by companies already operating on the market, following gap analysis with respect to the current provisions on the matter
assistance in defining adequate security measures, through risk analysis and evaluation of the specific risks inherent in the treatments carried out
adaptation and development of start-ups and innovative companies in the field of personal data protection
assistance in drafting personal data processing registers
consultancy and assistance in carrying out the data protection impact assessment
consultancy and evaluation regarding the protection of personal data and the worker’s right to privacy in the workplace
judicial and extrajudicial assistance before the Guarantor for the protection of personal data in case of inspections, reports, complaints and appeals as well as in case of appeals against the provisions of the Guarantor or requests for compensation for illegitimate data processing