0284945796 [email protected]
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Intellectual Property Law

“There is no life without law. Whatever exists, exists in a certain way, under certain conditions, with a certain law”

Giuseppe Mazzini

Specifically, the following professional services are offered:

  • Priority searches aimed at verifying the freedom of use of the brand “chosen” by the Customer and reducing the possibility of

    any objections and drafting of an appropriate opinion, identifying possible critical aspects of registration and evaluating

    any infringement of third party rights;

  • Assistance in filing applications for registration of national and international trademarks, until completion

    procedure with issuing of the registration certificate by the UIBM;

  • Assistance in filing applications for renewal of national and international trademarks;

  • Assistance in filing trademark assignment applications;

  • Consultancy and assistance in drafting trademark transfer contracts;

  • Consultancy on unfair competition and counterfeiting;

  • Consultancy and assistance on copyright protection;


Telephone: +39 02 84945796
Mail: [email protected]