0284945796 [email protected]
Diritto Fallimentare, Ristrutturazione del Debito e Procedure Concorsuali
lavoro OK

Bankruptcy Law, Debt Restructuring and Insolvency Procedures

“The great lawyer is the one useful to the judges to help them decide in accordance with justice, useful to the client to help him assert his reasons”

Piero Calamandrei

The firm deals with crisis management concerning natural persons and legal entities who find themselves in the position of having to manage over-indebtedness, insolvency and/or financial difficulties; we also offer consultancy and assistance in the field of business crises, insolvency procedures in relation to the legal profiles of composition plans, extraordinary operations or the sale of assets, contentious judgments deriving from the procedures, preparation and execution of plans composition agreements, and resolution of the crisis provided for by the bankruptcy law.

We provide legal advice and assistance in matters of bankruptcy law, composition agreements, as well as in the resolution procedures of the over-indebtedness crisis and of the company, including, by way of example and not limited to:

  • drafting and filing in the interests of the Client of bankruptcy petitions and filing of liabilities;

  • assistance and representation in court in the pre-bankruptcy and bankruptcy phase;

  • assistance in Client relations with Bankruptcy Bodies (Curator, Delegated Judge)

  • preparation, with the help of accounting professionals, of proposals for composition with creditors, composition with creditors and debt restructuring plans

  • Customer assistance, with the help of accounting professionals, in the preparation of resolution plans for the over-indebtedness crisis

  • submission of applications for debt relief following bankruptcy and/or resolution procedure for the over-indebtedness crisis

  • assistance in negotiations aimed at signing repayment plans and debt installment plans, also with Equitalia and the Treasury

  • assistance to Workers in the procedures for accessing the I.N.P.S. Guarantee Fund. for the recovery of TFR and last three months’ wages;

  • specific consultancy and assistance on legal instruments for asset protection


Telephone: +39 02 84945796
Mail: [email protected]