Criminal Law
“The great lawyer is the one useful to the judges to help them decide in accordance with justice, useful to the client to help him assert his reasons”
Piero Calamandrei
The firm provides extrajudicial assistance on aspects of entrepreneurial activity that involve profiles of criminal relevance, as well as the defense of its clients in criminal proceedings for types of crimes such as, by way of example but not limited to:
Crimes against honor
Injury, defamation, defamation in the press or other means of mass communication, crimes relating to privacy
Crimes against the person and personal freedom
Homicide (also resulting from road traffic), personal injury, stalking, mistreatment, sexual violence
Crimes relating to weapons and drugs
Illegal detention and illegal carrying of weapons, Possession and dealing of narcotic substances
Crimes against property
Theft, robbery, extortion, receiving stolen goods
Crimes against the public administration
Violence, threats and resistance to a public official, crimes relating to public procurement and privatization of public companies
Corporate criminal law
Bankruptcy, tax crimes, environmental and urban planning crimes, scams, false corporate communications, crimes relating to entrepreneurial activities, bankruptcy and insolvency crimes
in general, crimes relating to financial intermediation and banking crimes
Labor criminal law
Criminal proceedings for accidents or manslaughter occurring in the workplace, crimes relating to safety and hygiene at work
Administrative offences ex D.LVO n. 231/01
Consultancy with specific regard to the preparation of suitable Organization and Management Models pursuant to Legislative Decree 8 June 2001 n. 231 on the administrative responsibility of legal persons and companies
Legal assistance before the Surveillance Court
for alternative measures to detention (probationary assignment to social services, home detention, semi-freedom, etc.) and for requests for rehabilitation